Tuesday, May 31, 2011


IMG_2241a by id10tgary
IMG_2241a, a photo by id10tgary on Flickr.

An inverted smoke shot. Making my own personal rorschach test, lol. Photo is backlit with a single 580EXii shot through the smoke. Image inverted in post.


_MG_2554 by id10tgary
_MG_2554, a photo by id10tgary on Flickr.

Bass player Dean B. of Stereomaze (my other group) prior to gig at Rice Village Bakerstreet.


_MG_3010a by id10tgary
_MG_3010a, a photo by id10tgary on Flickr.

The Artist. Caught him at Bakerstreet in Sugarland. Sadly, he does not do portraits for anybody - only does it as a hobby and to relax.

Monday, May 23, 2011


IMG_1153 by id10tgary
IMG_1153, a photo by id10tgary on Flickr.

The cliche' water shot. Bare EX580II into a blue background at 1/16 power in order to freeze the action.


_MG_2852_ by id10tgary
_MG_2852_, a photo by id10tgary on Flickr.

Why doesn't anybody like HDR photography? lol The cliche' Transco Tower shot.


_MG_2794z by id10tgary
_MG_2794z, a photo by id10tgary on Flickr.

Quickie lighting. Shoot through camera right and very low power shoot through just off axis to soften shadows.


_MG_2591 by id10tgary
_MG_2591, a photo by id10tgary on Flickr.

My view when playing Rice Village Bakerstreet

Cross lighting with sun. Underexposed the background (2 stops). Lit Jay with a single EX580II bare to compete with sun camera right (see nice shawdow on his shorts...yuck), Still, I thought the effect with the wide angle was kind of cool.

A couple of prom shots. Didn't have time to set up much in the way of lighting - the limo was due to arrive fairly quickly, so I put them in the shade, exposed for background, and lit them with a 24"x24" softbox camera left, with a gobo to reduce light coming through the trees. In hindsight, should have underexposed the background a couple of stops. Live/learn...